/* $Id: sqlvalidator.class.php3,v 1.8 2002/09/12 19:01:37 robbat2 Exp $ */

* Published courtesy of the phpMyAdmin project at http://www.phpmyadmin.net
* In order to make php code executable, see html source

* PHP interface to MimerSQL Validator
* Copyright 2002 Robin Johnson <robbat2@users.sourceforge.net>
* http://www.orbis-terrarum.net/?l=people.robbat2
* All data is transported over HTTP-SOAP
* And uses the PEAR SOAP Module
* You also need the PHP overload module!
* Install instructions for PEAR SOAP
* Make sure you have a really recent PHP with PEAR support
* run this: "pear install Mail_Mime Net_DIME SOAP"
* If you got this file from somewhere other than phpMyAdmin
* please be aware that the latest copy will always be in the 
* phpMyAdmin CVS tree as 
* $Source: /cvsroot/phpmyadmin/phpMyAdmin/libraries/sqlvalidator.class.php3,v $
* @access   public
* @author   Robin Johnson <robbat2@users.sourceforge.net>
* @version  $Id: sqlvalidator.class.php3,v 1.8 2002/09/12 19:01:37 robbat2 Exp $



    if (!function_exists('class_exists') || !class_exists('SOAP_Client')) {
        $GLOBALS['sqlvalidator_error'] = TRUE;
    else {

        // Ok, so we have SOAP Support, so let's use it!

        class PMA_SQLValidator {

            var $url;
            var $service_name;
            var $wsdl;
            var $output_type;

            var $username;
            var $password;
            var $calling_program;
            var $calling_program_version;
            var $target_dbms;
            var $target_dbms_version;
            var $connectionTechnology;
            var $connection_technology_version;
            var $interactive;

            var $service_link = NULL;
            var $session_data = NULL;

             * Private functions - You don't need to mess with these

             * Service opening
             * @param  string  URL of Mimer SQL Validator WSDL file
             * @return object  Object to use
             * @access private
            function _openService($url)
                $obj = new SOAP_Client($url, TRUE);
                return $obj;
            } // end of the "openService()" function

             * Service initializer to connect to server
             * @param  object   Service object
             * @param  string   Username
             * @param  string   Password
             * @param  string   Name of calling program
             * @param  string   Version of calling program
             * @param  string   Target DBMS
             * @param  string   Version of target DBMS
             * @param  string   Connection Technology
             * @param  string   version of Connection Technology
             * @param  integer  boolean of 1/0 to specify if we are an interactive system
             * @return object   stdClass return object with data
             * @access private
            function _openSession($obj, $username, $password,
                                          $calling_program, $calling_program_version,
                                          $target_dbms, $target_dbms_version,
                                          $connection_technology, $connection_technology_version,
                $ret = $obj->openSession($username, $password,
                                         $calling_program, $calling_program_version,
                                         $target_dbms, $target_dbms_version,
                                         $connection_technology, $connection_technology_version,

                return $ret;
            } // end of the "_openSession()" function

             * Validator sytem call
             * @param  object  Service object
             * @param  object  Session object
             * @param  string  SQL Query to validate
             * @param  string  Data return type
             * @return object  stClass return with data
             * @access private
            function _validateSQL($obj, $session, $sql, $method)
                $res = $obj->validateSQL($session->sessionId, $session->sessionKey, $sql, $this->output_type);
                return $res;
            } // end of the "validateSQL()" function

             * Validator sytem call
             * @param  string  SQL Query to validate
             * @return object  stdClass return with data
             * @access private
             * @see    validateSQL()
            function _validate($sql)
                $ret = $this->_validateSQL($this->service_link, $this->session_data,
                                                   $sql, $this->output_type);
                return $ret;
            } // end of the "validate()" function

             * Public functions

             * Constructor
             * @access public
            function PMA_SQLValidator()
                $this->url                           = 'http://sqlvalidator.mimer.com/v1/services';
                $this->service_name                  = 'SQL99Validator';
                $this->wsdl                          = '?wsdl';

                $this->output_type                   = 'html';

                $this->username                      = 'anonymous';
                $this->password                      = '';
                $this->calling_program               = 'PHP_SQLValidator';
                $this->calling_program_version       = '$Revision: 1.8 $';
                $this->target_dbms                   = 'N/A';
                $this->target_dbms_version           = 'N/A';
                $this->connection_technology         = 'PHP';
                $this->connection_technology_version = phpversion();
                $this->interactive = 1;

                $this->service_link = NULL;
                $this->session_data = NULL;
            } // end of the "PMA_SQLValidator()" function

             * Sets credentials
             * @param  string  the username
             * @param  string  the password
             * @access public
            function setCredentials($username, $password)
                $this->username = $username;
                $this->password = $password;
            } // end of the "setCredentials()" function

             * Sets the calling program
             * @param  string  the calling program name
             * @param  string  the calling program revision
             * @access public
            function setCallingProgram($calling_program, $calling_program_version)
                $this->calling_program         = $calling_program;
                $this->calling_program_version = $calling_program_version;
            } // end of the "setCallingProgram()" function

             * Appends the calling program
             * @param  string  the calling program name
             * @param  string  the calling program revision
             * @access public
            function appendCallingProgram($calling_program, $calling_program_version)
                $this->calling_program         .= ' - ' . $calling_program;
                $this->calling_program_version .= ' - ' . $calling_program_version;
            } // end of the "appendCallingProgram()" function

             * Sets the target DBMS
             * @param  string  the target DBMS name
             * @param  string  the target DBMS revision
             * @access public
            function setTargetDbms($target_dbms, $target_dbms_version)
                $this->target_dbms         = $target_dbms;
                $this->target_dbms_version = $target_dbms_version;
            } // end of the "setTargetDbms()" function

             * Appends the target DBMS
             * @param  string  the target DBMS name
             * @param  string  the target DBMS revision
             * @access public
            function appendTargetDbms($target_dbms, $target_dbms_version)
                $this->target_dbms         .= ' - ' . $target_dbms;
                $this->target_dbms_version .= ' - ' . $target_dbms_version;
            } // end of the "appendTargetDbms()" function

             * Sets the connection technology used
             * @param  string  the connection technology name
             * @param  string  the connection technology revision
             * @access public
            function setConnectionTechnology($connection_technology, $connection_technology_version)
                $this->connection_technology         = $connection_technology;
                $this->connection_technology_version = $connection_technology_version;
            } // end of the "setConnectionTechnology()" function

             * Appends the connection technology used
             * @param  string  the connection technology name
             * @param  string  the connection technology revision
             * @access public
            function appendConnectionTechnology($connection_technology, $connection_technology_version)
                $this->connection_technology         .= ' - ' . $connection_technology;
                $this->connection_technology_version .= ' - ' . $connection_technology_version;
            } // end of the "appendConnectionTechnology()" function

             * Sets whether interactive mode should be used or not
             * @param  integer  whether interactive mode should be used or not
             * @access public
            function setInteractive($interactive)
                $this->interactive = $interactive;
            } // end of the "setInteractive()" function

             * Sets the output type to use
             * @param  string  the output type to use
             * @access public
            function setOutputType($output_type)
                $this->output_type = $output_type;
            } // end of the "setOutputType()" function

             * Starts service
             * @access public
            function startService()
                $this->service_link = $this->_openService($this->url . '/' . $this->service_name . $this->wsdl);
            } // end of the "startService()" function

             * Starts session
             * @access public
            function startSession()
                $this->session_data = $this->_openSession($this->service_link, $this->username, $this->password,
                                                                  $this->calling_program, $this->calling_program_version,
                                                                  $this->target_dbms, $this->target_dbms_version,
                                                                  $this->connection_technology, $this->connection_technology_version,

                if (isset($this->session_data) && ($this->session_data != NULL)
                    && ($this->session_data->target != $this->url)) {
                    // Reopens the service on the new URL that was provided
                    $url = $this->session_data->target;
            } // end of the "startSession()" function

             * Do start service and session
             * @access public
            function start()
            } // end of the "start()" function

             * Call to determine just if a query is valid or not.
             * @param  string SQL statement to validate
             * @return string Validator string from Mimer
             * @see _validate
            function isValid($sql)
                $res = $this->_validate($sql);
                return $res->standard;
            } // end of the "isValid()" function

             * Call for complete validator response
             * @param  string SQL statement to validate
             * @return string Validator string from Mimer
             * @see _validate
            function validationString($sql)
                $res = $this->_validate($sql);
                return $res->data;
            } // end of the "validationString()" function
        } // end class PMA_SQLValidator
    } // end else

